This page will be consistently updated with information regarding how the Model G20 Summit is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The health and safety of our participants and staff are our key priority. We will continue to monitor guidance from health officials and American University and post updates below.
Update on Spring 2021 Virtual Summit
Model G20 is excited to announce we will be holding a virtual conference March 12-14, 2021. This decision came after much conversation and deliberation. It is our goal to give our participants the best simulation experience possible, while also keeping everyone safe.
The virtual summit will have a similar schedule to that of our usual in-person weekend. We will have separate registration periods for delegations (5-7 delegates) and individuals. If you have previously registered for the 2020 Summit, you will not have to re-register for the Spring 2021 Virtual Summit.
Please bear with us as we plan for and navigate a virtual summit. We are grateful to have the example of the real G20, who hosted virtual meetings and a virtual Leaders’ Summit despite a global pandemic.
Statement on Fall 2020
Due to health and safety concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic, the AU Model G20 Summit is postponed to Spring 2021. We plan to host the 4th Annual Model G20 Summit on the American University campus in Washington, DC during the Spring semester.
While it is our intention to hold a summit in the Spring, our priority is the well-being of our participants and staff, and we will continue to monitor COVID-19 developments and regulations relating to large gatherings and travel.
The pandemic reinforces our belief that multilateral engagement is more important than ever. With that in mind, we will continue to engage those interested in the G20 and our Model G20 Summit. We are planning a series of guest speakers with G20 knowledge and experience, and will host Model G20 workshops for prospective delegates to learn about the Model G20 Summit and how to participate most effectively.
Registration will remain open as we prepare for a Spring summit and announce further information. Delegations already registered for the Fall 2020 summit will be automatically registered for the Spring summit. We will communicate with you directly about your individual circumstances. For registered delegations, priority access will be granted to the virtual events we hold in the Fall.
Thank you for supporting the American University Model G20 Summit, and we look forward to seeing you in our virtual events this Fall.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will information about the spring summit be released?
We are planning a Model G20 Summit to be held in Spring 2021 on the campus of American University. Due to constantly changing guidance regarding COVID-19 precautions, we are unable to release any definitive information regarding the summit at this time. We are considering multiple weekend dates and are planning for all possibilities. While it is our intention to hold a summit in the Spring, our priority is the well-being of our participants and staff. We will continue to monitor COVID-19 developments and regulations relating to large gatherings and travel.
When will specifics about Fall programming be released?
Further details about Fall programming will be released before the Fall term begins (roughly mid-August). We have planned both a speaker series and a variety of Model G20 workshops for prospective delegates to learn more about and engage with the Model G20 Summit. For registered delegations, priority access will be granted to the virtual events we hold in the Fall.
What are teams registering for?
Registration is currently open for the Spring 2021 summit. Delegations already registered for the Fall 2020 summit will be automatically registered for the Spring summit and will receive priority access to some events.
When will registered teams need to pay?
When we announce plans for the Spring summit, an invoice will be sent to all registered teams. If the summit is held on campus, the price will remain the same ($100 per non-AU participant). There will be no requirement to pay prior to when our plans for the Spring 2021 summit are announced.
How do I deregister?
If a delegation knows in advance that they will be unable to attend the Spring 2021 conference and would like to deregister, they may send an email to stating that they would like to deregister.
*This list will be added to as more questions arise or come to our attention.