Please find all registration information at the link below. We look forward to seeing you in March!

About Our Program

Model G20 is a groundbreaking program created by the School of International Service at American University in Washington, DC. It is designed to expose undergraduates, graduate students, and young professionals to the world of international diplomacy. Model G20 is modeled after the G20, or Group of Twenty, an international forum for Heads of State of the largest advanced and emerging economies.

We look forward to welcoming you to campus for the 2024 summit, and we're excited to announce that registration is now open! Find more information on our Registration page.

Our program was designed by G20 experts and practitioners. It offers young leaders from across the United States and abroad an exciting weekend of diplomacy, networking, debate and negotiations on the most pressing global issues.


Build Your Skills in:


What People Are Saying

"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future, and this is why we have the G20 model."

Angel Gurría Secretary General of the OECD

“We really like the Model G20 because it has allowed us to connect with others and dive into the issues. We’re very impressed with the experience.”

Mae Overstreet Grad Student at Appalachian State University

“One highlight has been seeing the different types of students representing different countries, like a German student representing Turkey. That’s really interesting”

Brinda Penmetsa Undergrad at University of Houston


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